Cleaning Guide

Manual cleaning

  1. Remove debris dust and loose dirt
  2. Apply cleaner solution (warm water with detergent of ph 8 to 10)
  3. Leave the solution on the floor for several minutes
  4. Scrub with synthetic brush or deck scrubber
  5. Remove cleaning solution using mop and twin bucket (to avoid dirt redistribution)
  6. Mop rinse with clean warm water
  7. Allow to dry before trafficking the area

Machine cleaning

  1. Remove large debris and vacuum dirt and dust
  2. Apply cleaner solution (warm water with detergent of ph 8 to 10)
  3. Leave the solution on the floor for several minutes
  4. Machine scrub using synthetic pad
  5. Wet vacuum loosened dirt
  6. Rinse with warm clean water
  7. Vacuum dry


  1. Clean your floor covering regularly
  2. Follow the flooring and cleaner manufacturer recommendations
  3. Remove stains immediately to limit risk of permanent damage
  4. Remove shoe scuffing immediately by using a dry scrubbing brush (no water or liquids)
  5. Avoid contact with products likely to migrate into the vinyl and stain it permanently (ball point ink, asphalt, pine oil based cleaner, lipstick, rubber tires, strong dyes etc.)
  6. Avoid polish and other surface treatments as they are likely to reduce dramatically the slip resistance properties of your product
  7. Use only recommended cleaning liquids in the correct concentration
  8. Do not mix cleaning liquids
  9. Protect newly laid floor from other trades using suitable protective covering

Useful contacts

  1. FloorXL technical support
    • Europe +44 7912 580 676
    • Asia Pacific +61 408 917 145
    • E-mail:
  2. Suppliers of suitable cleaning products:
    • Prochem Europe Ltd
      Tel: +44 (0) 208 974 1515;
      Fax: +44 208 974 1511;
    • SC Johnson
      Tel: +44 1276 63456;
      Fax: +44 1276 852308